There’s a lot more to learn

I have never thought of creating a blog, as it is out of my comfort zone and I was a little afraid of judgmental people. But I guess in life, one cannot simply succeed by being in their comfort zone all the time. So, when I got assigned to write a blog for my class I felt a little confused.

So, exactly 7 weeks ago, I was sitting right here in front of my laptop, not knowing what to write about, whom to interview, and what in general would my blog topic be. It was no quite an easy assignment, as I should have come up with something interesting, creative, and catchy to write about throughout the whole semester.

I decided to write about the student life in general, including mine and others’ (see my first post for more details why I decided to do so). After I got my blog topic approved by the professor, I started a true blogger’s journey. I never thought the way I lived at AUBG was exceptional in any way, but by depicting the parts of my student life, together with interviews with other students, I realized that I had quite fun and adventurous start of the semester – I was actively involved in extracurricular activities, as well as studying. And at the end of the day, my blog posts are gonna stay as the reminders of my college years forever.

I blogged and I loved it, I was just writing out of my heart, out of passion to write and let the reader know about my life at AUBG. Even though I was mostly talking about my life, I have also been interviewing people around me and learning how they managed their lives as a student. I want to draw special attention to what Bojan, from Macedonia told me, and quote him, because I very much agree to his point of view about the life as a student, at least at American Unviersity in Bulgaria:

“I don’t think that a golden mean exists. In some cases you need to give up some party time, in order to devote it to studying and vice versa. Sometimes, when there is a big party and all the crew is there you need to go to that party instead of spending time on studying and suffer on that. Basically, you need to give up something in order to give to something. The golden mean doesn’t exist in my opinion. I don’t think that a golden mean exists. In some cases you need to give up some party time, in order to devote it to studying and vice versa. Sometimes, when there is a big party and all the crew is there you need to go to that party instead of spending time on studying and suffer on that. Basically, you need to give up something in order to give to something. The golden mean doesn’t exist in my opinion.”

To be honest, there were more cases for me when I gave up some time of studying in order to go party, hang out with friends, go to the movies or go hiking in the mountains. But I don’t regret it any second, I loved it, and I did it, because I know that this is what you should do when you’re young. You can’t simply go to the club, get wasted and dance on the stage when you’re over 30.

I just remembered one situation from this Friday. We were in Piano bar, a local karaoke bar, where our university bands were playing. So me and my friend were standing at the bar and suddenly he whispers in my ear “ look at these older women, what are they doing here? Hahaha…” I looked right and I saw just 2 women aged around 30-35 just casually drinking beer and listening to the songs.. and I realized.. as you grow up your interests and the way you act change.. you become more conservative, people judge you more and you basically are not supposed to do any of the crazy things you could do when you were in your twenties. I’m not saying, that you can’t , but you should not..

So, as Bojan told me, just do it! And do it now! Do your assignments on time, don’t miss the classes, go out, don’t miss the larger parties, drink more than enough, dance on the stage, pull an all-nighter, eat a whole pizza pie at 3 in the morning, hang out with the guys that “friendzone” you, just because it’s fun and really, who cares.. Go hiking, explore surroundings.. travel around Europe with friends on the breaks.. Go on internship.. Go on a conference to meet plenty more people.. and I don’t know , just use your time, never waste any second while you’re in college.. every single second counts, and I am very sure that every extra time I spend in sleeping more than 7 hours, I’ll regret at some point ( and I’m definitely changing my sleeping routine)

I feel like I’m talking about the parties all the time, but they are such big parts of the student life in general that I can’t ignore them just like that. This reminds me of a little quote Desi, from Bulgaria told me:

“ It’s not necessary to be present at every party, just get to be present at the right party, so you can meet the right people”

And she’s so very right… I’ve gone to the wrong parties and came home in a bad mood, feeling down.. while the right parties, where everybody goes, where there is a good music and a lot of space and the people you want to dance and hang out with, felt so right.. and I came home feeling on top of the world, which was  a little wobbly, thanks to all the beers I consumed before going home.. Same thing can be said in general, you should also be present in the right place, at the right moment – life advice right there..

Looking back to my blogger journey so far, I have also learned some technical details, like how to shoot 5 shot BBC style videos, which I actually had a looooot of fun with. I just loved shooting and editing the videos, it’s so much more creative, fun and interactive. Also I’ve realized I like to be behind the camera controlling what other people are gonna see later. I started using twitter and soundcloud which I never really used before. I’m still in the process of falling in love with tweeting, but I’m sure by the end of the semester I’ll open my personal twitter account and just use it the way I use my own facebook. Just because I think it’s one of the quickest ways to get the news about any topic you are interested in.

It’s been a great journey so far, classes but much more fun and great adventures are yet to come. I think I’ll be blogging after I’m done with the Multimedia Journalism class anyways… I find my peace in writing here…


Want to know more about student life and how it works? Check out my next post next Monday!

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